We are doing something quite likely unlike what you have ever heard, or anyone has. Crazy thing to say eh ?

Well it's true. What is happening here is unique.

What we seek in a keyboardist (preferably but not mandatory who can grab a guitar when needed).

If we had to mentions genres it would be in the Progressive Rock (Wakeman, Fripp), Rock (J.P.J.) Folk (Joni), Middle Eastern, Metal (Viv Savage ha !!!) area ? As I said… unique.

The stuff is a little complex, and at times easy. Sometimes the most important part is “discipline”. Emphasis definitely on discipline. Think “Color”, “Ambient accent” as opposed to “Featuring”.

Think Grand Piano, Mellotron, Hammnd B3 (with Leslie), Modular Synth, Sampler.

Bottom line for both is you are "heard". This will be integral. Presence. Enough to blast through a band that can sometimes get seriously loud. You would also have to stand.

You MUST project !!!

I do "not" send mp3s around. I don't want my stuff rummaging around out there.

Our singer will be female, I usually have prospective members come up to my studio, way uptown west. The rest of the band so far are male.

Zero money here as you would be a founding member, so you would have to go through “it” with us.

I can explain all the dets at another time.

We can also speak on the phone if you wish.

Thanks for reading. Cheers. Burning Buddha